White smoke

im not trying to water down vision 20nonsence but why cant the kenya politicians pack and go. the current problems facing kenya is brewed in their backyard.looking at the infamous mau forest saga,the seriousness of the matter had entirely been hoodwinked by cheap politics and empty rhetoric. internally displaced kenyans are languishing in poverty awaiting the impending el nino.who do we lay the blame on. the entire kenyan community is held hostage by a horde of crooks numbering over 200.you can see them in the comfort of their seats at august house,presently called the house of idiots.the house is always in quorum when discussing personalities,self salary hike and all the trash. who is gonna bail us from this captivity.remember when they were busy past midnight waiting for the white smoke during the election of the house speaker.if the current speaker and his deputy agree to resign,i will triuphantly save kenya from these pirates and bring forth a brand new clique of leaders free from the rotten blood of the senile kenyan politician. if the house speakers election can be replayed,i can bombard that house and end the impunity era.kenya will continue to fail so long as you are seated there!
